About Rubén Jordán
[…] Hence, I was fascinated by how much Rubén created, with the Spanish Camerata Capricho, on the album Miró a mi corazón…, composed while he was residing, together with other artists (painters, sculptors, writers) in my Antonio Gala Foundation for Young People Creators. I invite you to discover it, listen to it and, above all, enjoy it.
The work of Jordán Flores is nostalgic and evocative, without falling into the obvious. He demonstrates a very special and sensitive musical sensitivity where we can see that he is really aware of the new style that is prevailing in the world of music.
Rubén Jordán is a wise man of music, because his works refine the voices that come from above and accompany the conscience, the memory and the human entrails.
The melodies composed by Rubén Jordán are like complete music, pieces that play with the senses and invite you to complete them with images, smells and flavours, joining both the processional mysticism and the frantic rhythm of cinema or literature. In short, music that matches life.
“Acúfeno” has been a new and surprising experience for me. Rubén Jordán has composed a cyclical and persistent piece that fits his homonymous painting naturally. It forms that unity, desired so many times, that surpasses the membranes between the different languages.
The sounds, as the subject matter demands, nest inside our head and become inseparable from its pictorial half. I have the feeling that if I bring my naked ear to the canvas, I will listen to the music of Rubén Jordán.
It has been an honor to discover and premiere the Symphony Nº2 «Life» by composer Rubén Jordán, together with the musicians of the Young Orchestra of Córdoba. We spent unforgettable moments in its preparation and interpretation throughout the tour. My greatest wishes for success and future collaborations.
Rubén Jordán is, without a doubt, one of the young promises of music today. In his works, he makes the public feel identified with what they hear. His music is passionate, energetic and exciting. Its clear harmonies and its minimalist style coexist with a rhythmic and interpretive complexity that are a challenge for the interpreter and a pleasure for the listener.
The great musical talent of Rubén Jordán adds to the courage of having chosen an aesthetic path of his own, which I believe is fundamental for a creative work of this importance. His latest works have been very interesting and of great freshness, since they join tradition and innovation. A music that surprises but, at the same time, is also close.
Rubén Jordán’s music is eloquent, capable of saying and transmitting a lot with very little …